The Beginning

Making this website feels a little like watching a sunrise.

Have you ever felt those chills across your whole body as you watch a sunrise? The raw beauty and power of it. The way in which you can suddenly feel connected to it ALL; to the sky, and the landscape, and the water.

Making this website feels like a sunrise in my own life.

This sounds very abstract…but what I mean is that this website represents all the ways I feel I can bring connection and beauty into the world. It represents how I see our interconnection with the cosmos; how I believe we co-create with the Universe; how I believe we can live in greater harmony and surrender, with a greater sense of connection to our purpose.

As with all endeavours that reveal who you truly are, and what you truly believe, it is unbelievably frightening. It is vulnerable, and exposing.

They say that following your dreams is one of the most frightening things you can do, and sitting here, I agree with them. On the other side of ‘giving it a go’ is potential failure, and potentially the sense that you haven’t amounted to anything.

But I believe that this desire was placed in my heart for a reason. And I’m choosing to trust in it.

Astrologically, we have been in truly life-changing energies for the last few years, and they are set to continue. As I write this, we’re experiencing the WEIGHT of the end of Pluto’s transit through Capricorn, and the partial lunar eclipse in Pisces.

Collectively, we are awakening. We’re awakening to spirit, and to the tools and ways of living which help to connect and guide us. We’ve been placed through an accelerated period of tests and up-levels, and I believe we’re all in a position now to work out how we can soar. How we can live in true expression of our divine selves.

This website is an offering to those that it resonates with - an offering of connection, of guidance, and of a homecoming to your self and what your spirit came here to do. An offering of support. A lighthouse.

This blog will be the place where I write about the current energies, and how we can navigate them.

The readings and consultations I offer are ways for you to receive 1-to-1 guidance and support in charting your own path through life, with the goal being to help you live an embodied life, connected to your divine self and your authentic desires.

I honestly believe that what the world needs right now is more light and love. My purpose is to help as many people as I can to live in their highest expression, so that we can all shine our light out into the world.

I’m honoured to have you come along for the ride.


Pluto’s Last Gasp in Capricorn